Hazmat lockers are individual storage lockers designed and manufactured specifically for housing chemicals, hazardous materials and hazardous waste. Lockers are free-standing and can be independent of other buildings. For more information, visit the Environmental Protection Agencies’ website at the following links:

EPA’s Hazardous Waste Identification, Characterization and Delisting Information


EPA’s Hazardous Chemical Storage Reporting Requirements


American Hazmat Lockers are designed to store chemicals and hazmat in safe, segregated and secure areas, and to prevent them from leaking out into the environment in case of a spill. Every AH Locker is equipped with Pyro Chem Fire suppression systems which provide the ultimate in protection. The term secondary containment refers to the sump area in the bottom of the building. The sump is what differentiates the chemical and hazmat lockers from other storage buildings. The sump is usually a 6-inch deep steel well that is designed to collect liquids through the steel grate flooring.

There are two types of buildings to consider: Fire Rated and Non-Fire Rated steel buildings. First identify the materials to be stored and then group them by hazard. A good preliminary step is to refer to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets that are required by OSHA, and get in touch with your local Fire Marshall. A more detailed analysis can then be made by the Code of Federal Regulations.


Size is usually expressed in terms of the number and size of the containers to be stored. The containers might be 30/55-gallon steel drums or 5/15-gallon buckets. Keep in mind that regulations limiting the stacking of containers will affect the amount of floor space required.
American Hazmat Rentals are designed to get your operation compliant. Contact an American Hazmat Representative to learn how we can find the best solution for your compliance needs. To learn more about specific chemical storage applications, contact your local Fire Marshall or government entity.
The definition of a “sump” (noun) is a pit or reservoir serving as a drain or receptacle for liquids; a pit at the lowest point in a circulating drainage system. The risk management industry defines a “sump” in a chemical storage building as a 6-7” deep well in the bottom of a prefabricated steel building which is continuously welded to be “leak-proof”. This sump is then covered by a steel or fiberglass floor grating and is often equipped with a “sump liner” of a plastic nature to catch accidental spills.
Location of the building can be either inside another building or outside to fit your needs. The distance from an occupied building will determine the amount of fire rating needed. Again, the best thing to do is to check with your local Fire Marshall. If you have flammables or combustibles, and you can locate your building 10′ (ten) feet or more from an occupied building. If your hazmat storage building is located at distances greater than 10′ (ten) feet you usually will not be required to have a fire rated building