Chemical Storage Records: What They Are and Why They Matter

Chemical storage records are critical for ensuring safety, compliance, and the efficient use of resources. While legally necessary, maintaining accurate records also demonstrates an organization’s commitment to responsible chemical management. Learn more about what chemical storage records are and why they matter.

Understanding Chemical Storage Records

Chemical storage records provide information about the storage, usage, and disposal of chemicals within a facility. You must create and maintain safety data sheets and a chemical inventory list to stay compliant.

Safety Data Sheets

In the US, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires facilities to maintain safety data sheets (SDSs). Facilities submit the SDSs or lists of hazardous chemicals to different agencies, including their local fire departments.

An SDS includes the following information:

You must know this information about each chemical to use your hazardous storage containers safely. The SDSs will help you organize materials and minimize reactivity hazards.

Chemical Inventory List

A hazardous chemical inventory lists all the dangerous chemicals in your facility. OSHA requires this list and will review it during inspections.

You can create the list by alphabetizing your safety data sheets by product name rather than grouping by product type. Then, based on the alphabetized sheets, make an inventory list that includes the product and manufacturer names.

Enhancing Safety With Chemical Storage Records

The biggest reason why chemical storage records matter is that they improve safety. Mishandling or improperly storing chemicals can cause fires, explosions, and various health hazards.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory agencies enforce rules for storing, handling, and transporting chemicals to protect human health and the environment. Chemical storage records provide evidence of compliance.

Emergency Preparedness

Accurate chemical storage records make emergency responses more effective. Knowing each chemical’s identity and location helps first responders swiftly contain the problem and minimize harm.

Improving Accountability and Efficiency

Accurate records hold employees and management accountable. Documenting training, inspections, and procedures helps ensure that all workers know their chemical safety responsibilities.

Records also facilitate the safe and cost-effective use of chemicals. Organizations can optimize how they use and order chemicals by tracking quantities and expiration dates. This practice reduces waste and saves money.

Chemical storage records identify chemicals, their properties, and their locations. They enhance safety and are essential for emergency preparedness. Finally, accurate records hold businesses accountable and facilitate efficient use of chemicals.

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